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The Female Orgasm: “Our Cute, Little Clit Has Been Ignored For Centuries”

Kiara Advani in a still from Lust Stories.

We have spent decades now talking, arguing and opining about equal rights for men and women. Throughout the four waves of feminism, from suffrage to voting rights to female hetero-normality, we have always concluded that the anatomical selves of men and women are absolutely different from one another by nature, period.

There are always and always going to be biological differences among these two divisions of the homo sapiens. But, there is a loophole and that is sexual pleasure. Men and women are both entitled to sexual pleasure individually, and in the process of intercourse.

History has been a bit too “hysterical” about this whole idea of female pleasure. it might put you into a state of awe, but it is true that till 2005, the female genitalia was not completely mapped out.

The “Grey’s Anatomy” (edition of 1948) didn’t establish the clitoris as a part of the female body, until Dr Helen O’Connell, who was a urologist from Australia, did the needful in the mid-2000s.

The Origins Of “Hysteria”

So, there are many parts of female genitalia, but the most important of all, according to me, is the clitoris. It is covered by a flap of skin known as the clitoral hood, which explains the difficulty experienced by a good lot in satisfying the other party, in the act of pleasure.

The most interesting thing about this organ is its sole purpose is to provide pleasure. That’s it! If I think retrogradely, we were making babies in tiny test tubes and mapping out the genomes to study humans at a molecular level, before anyone was bothered about the female genitalia—the generative organ of life… Wow!

In the archaic times, the female pleasure was a topic discussed only under the category of diseases concerning hysteria, hence the origin. The word “hysteria” originates from the Greek word for uterus: hystera. That’s why the process of removing a uterus is known as hysterectomy. Surprising and maddening, isn’t it?

This proves that anyone even whispering about female orgasms, were tracked down and dragged into a mental institution to get treated as soon as possible. This explains the neglect our cute, little clit suffered throughout the centuries.

Sex Is Not Just About Reproduction

Sexual intercourse between two people is a mode of expressing love for each other while savouring their bodies. it is an artistic exercise and not about jumping up and down on the bed like cats and dogs. It is natural, sacred and a medium of protecting one another’s lineage.

But unfortunately, our society has made us believe that it’s only a method of reproduction and must not be spoken of, outright, like it is a sin, like that time of the month? This act of making love between men and women is a two-way street, like communication and not a husbandly or wifely duty.

The act of making love between men and women, should be seen as a two-way street. Representational image. Photo credit: Lust Stories, IMDB.

It’s a way of saying that, “I love you and I want to make you happy.” Both parties are entitled to sexual pleasure when involved, as a mark of respect with or without love for for some, it is a way of stress buster too.

According to the statistics, men experience orgasms 60% of the time in heterosexual relationships, while the number is half in the case of women. Yes, history has shaped our beliefs into thinking that a woman’s orgasm is as good as zilch, but why aren’t women educating themselves?

This is what I question when god has been kind and given us a clit-way to heaven from birth?

Learn From The Kama Sutra

There are multiple ways of discovering one’s den and the Internet is oozing information at the press of a button. One miraculous observation that women with a good knowledge of their bodies, speak of, is the sense of confidence and mellowness it provides.

So, where are the common routes for commencing the marathon? Masturbation is a word maximally used for male orgasms, but it is also a medium of female orgasms.

Around 70% of the women are heedless to the existence of a sense of pleasure and those who are, tend to add it to the checklist of male responsibilities.

First things first, women masturbate and women orgasm too. There are various ways of doing it— from caressing to insertion. It depends on what elates your body. It is a misconception that clitoris is the only way to attain pleasure, it is not.

Dr Seema Anand, a well-known sexologist, who has studied the “Kama Sutra” for 17 years, has once stated that you can love your body via any part of your body. The intention must remain constant. So don’t worry if your clit is too old according to you, you’ll do just fine.

It’s Okay To Talk About Female Orgasms

There is no denying the fact that companionship is a happy necessity for humans but for once, why can’t we take the responsibility for our very own orgasms, and maybe, teach our partners a thing or two?

It can only make your sex life better if nothing else. Charity begins from home and so does love. Once we love ourselves better, we can begin the game of pointing fingers.

We must begin these discussions like a daily chore for it has played a major role in our lives, without an iota of doubt to provide a window for people in distress and societal tapes.

We live in the land of the Kama Sutra, sex is not a sin, female orgasm is not a disease, and it’s okay to talk about it. Who are we waiting for our rescue when we are not even addressing the elephant in the room?

Featured image is for representational purposes only. Photo credit: Lust Stories, IMDB.
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