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Should You Start Freelancing? 6 Lessons I Learnt From My Journey

I have been freelancing for a little over 6-years. I must say, it hasn’t been all smooth sailing over these years. I started as a freelance writer and gradually expanded my scope of work to branding and content strategy.

Freelancing in any profession has its pros and cons. While there are times when you are overwhelmed with projects, there are also times when you don’t have projects to work on for months altogether. Similarly, the exciting part about being a free agent is that you will never know where your next project will come from or whom you might get to work with.

In all of this, I have learnt some lessons that have helped me move forward in my professional career. From learning to respect my work to handling difficult clients, here are six things that freelancing has taught me.

You Have To Respect Your Work

Before expecting anyone else to respect you or your work, you need to respect your work first. Respecting your effort means being ethical and following an organised manner of working. As professionals, no one likes to work with those who work haphazardly or take unethical measures.

Be Confident and Firm

When dealing with clients, one needs to be clear and confident. Sounding vague and confused while pitching a project or a service will reflect your lack of confidence in your work.

Never Stop Learning

The gig market is highly dynamic and competitive. To stay relevant and alive in tough competition, one needs to be in a constant beta phase and keep learning. It means developing new skills pertinent to your field of work. As I said earlier, I went from being a freelance writer to being a Brand & Content Strategist.

Network and Collaborate

A strong sense of networking and relationship management in freelancing is crucial for regular and repeat work. The future of work is all about collaboration. Collaborating with other freelancers gives you access to their network; you also learn about what’s happening in other industries.

Track Your Incomes and Expenses

Another thing you get really good at as a freelancer is planning finances and budgeting. One needs to plan and manage the funds they have according to plan for rainy days. Having a planned investment strategy also comes in handy. In short, you become your own accountant.

It’s Not Worth it if it Costs You Your Peace of Mind

Something I have started practising only in the last couple of years. On many occasions, the red flags are clearly visible while discussing a new project or talking to a new client. Just step away when the red flags outweigh the benefits. Nothing is more important than your peace of mind.

Learn to say NO.

Nowadays, it’s the hustle culture that we talk about most of the time. Freelancing is the OG version of the hustle culture. You can start with it even during your school/college days if you know how to manage your time. It will help you be prepared for your professional career and make an informed choice.

Let me know your thoughts. What do you think about freelancing?

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