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“I’m Being Told To Write About Love But All I Can Think About Is Fear”

Dear Girl who didn’t get to see the world as a woman,

I am getting emails and notifications to write about Love. And all I can think about is fear.

My head hurts and my chest is filled with agony. I don’t remember your face anymore. Not sure how you sounded like. It’s been almost a decade and the thought of openly announcing my love still makes me shiver with fear.

I want to believe you were fierce, free, and loud. Exactly how every feminist movie describes their protagonist. Like how Jo March is in the Little Women. And it crushes me to know that this is why you vanished from the face of the earth. You didn’t get to see the world as a woman.

We never talked but your story is told to me over and over with different names but the same connotation. That my ashes will never reach the holier than thou river if I dare to Love! If I dare to express my love for another and they get a whiff of it!

You and me – we are the same. We learnt the art of lying at a very early age. Because we know life for us is not DDLJ. I was asked to write about love. But here I am writing a letter to you knowing very well you are not here to read it. I wanted to write how love is glorious, how it could bring beauty to life. But I ended up feeling melancholic. Is it really worth our lives, I wonder?

I cannot forgive them

I cannot forget you

Oh! The fear of falling in love. Love is a dare!

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