Site icon Youth Ki Awaaz

Can You Make A World Without A Woman?

Young girl is watching sunset over Tokyo in Odaiba.

have a life as well,

I’ve dreams on which I dwell.

Even I wish to be in a euphoric mood,

To go and play sometimes away from neighborhood.

But why do I’ve constraints?

I want to shout,

To roam about.

To breathe free,

Standing beneath a real tree.

But why am I captivated?

Various ephemeral things splendid and sublime,

I’ve to admire them in a specific time.

I want to be oblivious of time and people, who surround,

I may be perky and loud for people all around.

But why do you notice?

It may be crazy to go to a deserted place,

But I want to go there without a chaperone’s face.

I can’t live on my own with this security guard,

Without you, Is my survival really hard?

Why am I assaulted always?

Its my life unless I’m harming you,

But you interfere and my freedom is morning dew.

A woman is feeble, docile, pretty, timid and generous,

And an independent, strong one is a sorceress.

Is it really a definition or you’ve made for your convenience?

You may call me a bloody feminist,

But your society is a sick male chauvinist.

To you I maybe a recalcitrant beast,

But, slavery doesn’t flourish here.

If you think you rule,

I won’t protest.

After all I’m a timid girl,

Quietly I’ll leave so that alone you rule here forever.

But, can you make a world without me?

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