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“Religion Should Be A Journey Of Self-Discovery And A Source Of Inner Peace”

When we visit doctors, we believe that they have a degree and know better than us, and for treatment, we completely rely on them without judging their prescription.

When we talk with a scientist, we believe they have done research on it and know it better than us.

When we sink on a boat, we believe that the man has practical experience and knows better how to drive the boat.

But when it comes to religion, whether we all feel that we are enlightened enough and have a sense of humour to understand what religion is or start criticising because we believe there is no evidence that can prove the existence of the Almighty, no matter if there is a history of each religion, no matter how it evolves, no matter what is in the holy books, how it was written in the Quran, Veda, Bible and many more, no matter what the logic and science behind it are, no matter if there are people doing research on it for years and years and years. Except for Maulobi, Molla, Purohit, and Pope, there are research scholars who are in search of truth and developing theories each day. Religion itself is a subject; people are doing graduation, master’s, PhD, and more. When, without knowing anything, we start passing judgement, making videos, and posting status updates, we are just interpreting the facts as per our understanding. There are many people in this world, and all have their own opinions; some prefer Hinduism, some Islam, some Christianity, and more. So, whatever we do, there are definitely lots of people whose ideologies will match some of the community’s, and they will support it. So, the count of likes can’t justify whether a fact is true or not.

When a doctor starts treatment without a degree, we call them a quack. We don’t allow teaching in schools without a B.Ed. degree, and it’s also not allowed to be a professor in University without a PhD.

So, why do we argue with each other without knowing the religious facts? And to ask questions of someone of another religion, they must be knowledgeable of both religions, especially those who are raising questions not to know but to accuse.

Just as we trust doctors for their expertise in medicine and scientists for their research, it can be beneficial to acknowledge the knowledge and wisdom of religious scholars who have dedicated their lives to studying and understanding various faith traditions. However, it’s also important to recognize that religious beliefs are deeply personal and subjective. People have different perspectives and understandings of spirituality, and it is natural for debates and disagreements to arise.

When we know a little fact about a religion and it seems negative as per our perception, we suddenly start judging it, but we must remember that there are drugs and drug uses in medicine that can be used as life-saving substances, or they can kill a life and destroy a family from many perspectives. So, it depends on how we see it and how we use it in our lives.

Like many other subjects and topics, religion is also very important to know. There are many religions in this world; the ideology of polytheism and monotheism are two of them. I believe that if a child starts knowing all of it, it will take a whole life to read, understand, and analyse the facts of religion and to come to a conclusion. Now, with such a busy schedule, we even can’t follow the basic rituals completely, so understanding our own religion and, along with that, that of others, is not so easy. But with almost no knowledge or a few, we are just being a part of “politics in religion and religion in politics”. Just because we feel satisfaction from criticising each other, which is harmful for us only, we are making ourselves busy to prove that I’m the best. God does not need your help to save him; he didn’t instruct us to do so. Religion can provide guidance on how to live a meaningful and ethical life, but its interpretations and applications can vary widely among individuals and communities. It’s essential to approach religious discussions with an open mind, genuine curiosity, and a willingness to learn from others.

Ultimately, the decision about how one connects with their religious beliefs and spirituality is deeply personal. It should be a journey of self-discovery and a source of inner peace rather than a means to impose one’s views on others. If someone is struggling for their religion, and I’m also from the same religion, of course that hurts, but those feelings should be for the person as a human being. Don’t be a part of a match that is organised by others, and without knowing it, we are just separated by two teams. But the fact is, ultimately, human beings are suffering; we are suffering, and by doing so, we are forgetting the real fact of religion. Religion shows us how to live our lives in the most beautiful way possible. It’s not a metaphor, but a logic that we need to understand with our own willpower.

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