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Poem: An Un(known) Tale Of A Rape Survivor

TW- Mentions Rape

She walked into the house – broken, engulfed in pain, fear, and anguish.

Her mind troubled, her soul crumbled, life in her body beginning to diminish.

Every part of herself craved to cry, to scream, and to yell ‘why’.

But the eyes had deceived her, and her tears had gone dry.

Untouched and consoled, outwardly she looked intact,

But unknown to the world, it was her crotch attacked.

Now faking a sympathetic smile, the indifferent society used their art,

Insensitive to her feelings, all the accusations were pushed into her cart.

“Why did you go out at this time of the day,

Women should be behind covers, come what may.

Forget the incident – let it go,

You are a victim – everybody need not know.

It is a matter of our honour, family’s name,

Pointing fingers at an influential man will put you to shame.”

And so, the incident was hushed, and the girl was shushed.

“You should keep shut, or your existence shall be mushed.”

She pleaded and cried, and undauntedly stood firm for her right.

And reluctantly, the police were called and the case was filed.

The arguments were thrown and the evidence shown,

Though the efforts were made, the results were known.

Only she knew the truth; tears now welling up her eyes.

With his influential contacts, her justice had to walk miles.

She was an unfortunate victim, they all agreed

But for the want of sufficient evidence, the man got freed.

Unaccepted by society, she lives today, a life worse than death,

While dodging all possible punishments, he savors his free breath.

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