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“Quit Waiting For Opportunity And Start Creating It”

One of the greatest blessings of being human is our ability to proactively shape our destiny. While many factors in life are outside of our control, we have been granted free will and imagination that allows us to envision new possibilities and work deliberately towards goals that matter. However, if this gift is to be maximized, we must develop the clarity, focus, and perseverance needed to successfully seek out and take advantage of opportunities when they arise. Setting clear intentions and properly formulating our goals is crucial for moving in a purposeful direction and achieving meaningful success in life.

The first step towards effective opportunity-seeking is gaining clarity on what matters to you and the direction you wish to head. Too often we float through life reacting to whatever comes our way without any concrete sense of purpose or values. When opportunities appear, we do not have the internal compass required to properly evaluate if they align with our principles or long-term aims. Take time for deep and serious self-reflection to identify your core interests, strengths, and priorities. What kind of person do you wish to become? What legacy do you want to leave? Having firm answers to questions like these will provide the goals and standards needed to proactively steer your ship.

Once clarity is obtained, your goals must be given tangible form and structure. Vague, amorphous intentions will never inspire focused effort or allow achievement to be effectively measured. Define your goals, set benchmarks or deadlines when possible, and break larger ambitions into achievable steps. For example, rather than simply wanting a successful career, determine the industry or role you seek, the credentials required, and the experience needed by certain points in time. Concrete, systematically approachable objectives empower steady progress where ambiguity leads to drift.

Equally important is maintaining the perseverance and discipline required to stick to your goals when opportunities do not immediately materialize or difficulties arise. Success requires long-term orientation, not chasing fleeting incentives. External motivations like money, praise, or promotion come and go, so ensure your aims spring from deeper reservoirs of meaning, values, and service that nourish you through challenges. Develop strategies for managing setbacks and frustrations without abandoning your course. Seek out mentors who can help sustain vision and momentum during dry spells. Staying true to purpose over time and across fluctuating conditions is vital for realizing potential.

Proactively seek new information, skills, and experiences that connect to your goals. Never stop learning, taking measured risks, and putting yourself forward in areas of interest. While some opportunities may fall in our laps, most require active pursuit, social intelligence, and competence. Expand your capabilities deliberately through education, practice, conversation, and service. Continually build your personal “capital” – the expertise, relationships, and accomplishments employers or projects desperately need. This makes you indispensable and widens open doors when they swing.

With clearly defined long-term intentions and benchmarks, regularly scan your environment with a more discerning eye. Look for openings that provide progression rather than distraction. Volunteer, embrace uncomfortable chances to learn, and hone your abilities. Evaluate constantly whether a new role deepens its purpose or detracts from it. Treat each period as a chance to gain an advantage over the next. Document achievements thoroughly to strengthen your candidacy and sell reliability. But avoid becoming consumed by advancement alone if it risks compromising integrity or well-being. True success depends more on who you become than what you have.

Proactive opportunity-seeking takes work but also opens life to excitement and renewed meaning. With a clear vision of a meaningful destination and daily steps of faithful navigation, unexpected blessings often arise when least expected. External factors may vary but inner direction provides ballast. Stay determined yet flexible, take encouragement from small gains, and let purpose outlive projects. In thus deploying our gifts, we become active rather than passive in fate’s unfolding story, cooperating with life’s flow instead of denial or resignation. May clarity, focus, and fortitude guide us on such a venture.

Maher Asaad Baker

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