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My Fight Against Child Labour

Hey everyone, Vinayak Singh Oberoi here. You might remember me from APS Kolkata, but these days I’m less about textbooks and more about fighting for a cause I deeply believe in: ending child labour.

As many of you know, India has a huge problem with child labour. Kids who should be in school are working in fields, factories, even on the streets. It’s heartbreaking, and it happens right under our noses.

For me, this wasn’t just some statistic. I’ve seen child labour firsthand, on my way to school, at the local market. Their eyes, filled with exhaustion that shouldn’t belong to a child. It made me question everything. How could we, as a society, allow this to continue?

So, I started small. Researching, talking to NGOs, understanding the root causes. Poverty. Lack of opportunities. Broken families. The more I learned, the more determined I became.

Here’s the thing: child labour isn’t just about the kids. It weakens our entire society. These children deserve an education, a chance at a brighter future. They’re not a source of cheap labour, they’re the future doctors, teachers, entrepreneurs we need!

That’s why I joined a local NGO working on child rights. We organize awareness campaigns, educate communities, and work with rescued children to get them back into school. It’s slow, challenging work, but seeing the spark of hope in a child’s eyes when they hold a pencil for the first time? That’s what keeps me going.

This isn’t just my fight; it’s ours. We all have a role to play. Here’s what you can do:

Educate yourself: Learn about child labour, the signs to spot it, and the organizations working to end it.

Raise awareness: Talk to your friends and family, share info on social media.

Be an informed consumer: Research companies and products to avoid those linked to child labour.

Support NGOs: Volunteer your time or donate to organizations working on the ground.

Let’s break the cycle of child labour, together. We can create a future where every child has the chance to reach their full potential, not because they have to, but because they can.

#EndChildLabour #EducationForAll #BeTheChange

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