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Why Polls and Surveys: Amplifying Every Voice

In our dynamic world, young people’s voices are crucial, but not all are heard equally. While many are vocal and expressive on digital platforms, a significant number remain silent, often overshadowed by louder voices. Not everyone is a creator, and not every young person speaks up daily about issues that matter to them. However, their perspectives are equally important.

This brings us to a critical gap in the current ecosystem — the lack of real-time, comprehensive data about young people in India. As per the NFHS-5 data, over half the population (52%) in India is under the age of 30. And despite being one of the largest demographics, young Indians frequently find themselves excluded from the decision-making processes that affect their future. Policies and products are often designed based on outdated stereotypes or superficial market research that fails to capture the complex, evolving nature of young India’s needs and aspirations.

Polling and surveying help overcome this. They are not just about collecting data; but also about giving an equal platform to every individual within a population. They can serve as critical tools in democratizing voice and opinion in society. These tools enable those who might feel marginalized or hesitant to speak up to express their views on current issues that affect their lives. This inclusivity is vital in a world where diversity of thought and breadth of experience enrich our understanding and decision-making.

YKA’s polling and writing platform is built keeping this principle in mind. Our website, app and social media content act as a mechanism to encourage and enable young people to participate in polls and surveys about critical aspects of their lives. On the other hand, YKA’s team enables the general public, businesses, civil society and governments to understand young India and its perceptions to make better, more inclusive, people-centric decisions.

Taking a poll or a survey does not require a special qualification or skill set. Anyone who is able to understand a question can take a poll. In this way, polls and surveys ensure a low barrier to entry for anyone and everyone to express themselves and make their voice matter. This forms a critical part of YKA’s overall mission to ensure that every young person has an equal opportunity to speak up and be heard.

To add to this we also allow anyone to make a poll on YKA. Our strong belief is that an important part of building an active citizenry is honing the skills of critical and rational thinking. This directly translates to the freedom and opportunity to ask questions about the world around us. Hence, it’s crucial that young people across all sections of society have the agency to ask questions. This helps battle the lack of important data on public policy issues that impact youth – unemployment, healthcare, climate change & education – and overcome the data democracy deficit that hinders progress on critical social issues in India.

While YKA’s Notes do require a participant to write and hence be able to articulate, the ease and structure ensure the lowering of barriers to entry there as well. And we constantly aspire to make it even easier for people to share their perspectives. We often include content from Notes as a qualitative expression of perspective while conducting our poll and survey analysis.

The efficacy of polling and surveying

The efficacy of polling and surveying hinges on the integrity and rigour of the methodology employed. Ensuring anonymity, avoiding leading questions, and using statistically valid sampling methods are essential to maintain the trust of participants and the validity of the data collected. When these principles are upheld, the results can serve as a powerful catalyst for change by gathering a diverse array of opinions, giving equal weight to each voice, irrespective of the individual’s background or visibility in mainstream discourse. This can help in driving better governance, more targeted social programs, and more inclusive economic policies. 

We’ve also published this detailed page on our methodology and methods for you to understand this better.

The true strength of well-conducted polls and surveys lies in their ability to level the playing field. YKA allows everyone above the age of 18 to be a part of the platform and participate in its polls and surveys. When everyone has an equal opportunity to share their opinion, the data collected is more comprehensive and reflective of the broader community’s views. This process not only helps in capturing a wide range of perspectives on any given issue but also plays a crucial role in informing policies, shaping public opinion, and guiding decision-making processes in both the private and public sectors.

An outcome and impact-driven approach

The insights gained from polls and surveys can lead to actionable outcomes. For instance, understanding young people’s attitudes towards climate change, economic policies, or social issues can directly influence how policies are crafted, ensuring they are responsive to the needs and desires of all sections of society, not just the most vocal.

For instance, YKA’s survey on the impacts of climate change on youth led to the creation of India’s first public campaign on net-zero emissions called ZeroSeHero. This created a platform for over 20 varied decision makers, including members of parliament and leaders of businesses, to engage on the issue of climate change. It then led to a critical collaboration with the National Institute of Urban Affairs for the creation of a youth-engagement framework for city governments to create youth-inclusive, climate-resilient cities.

Historically, polls and surveys have empowered individuals by making them active participants in the democratic process. They provide a platform for engagement and a sense of involvement in societal development, which is particularly important for younger generations who are eager to see change and make an impact.

Lastly, while not every young person may choose to be a public creator or a vocal advocate, through thoughtfully conducted polls and surveys, their voices can still resonate strongly in the corridors of power. By embracing these tools, we can ensure that every opinion is valued and every voice heard, paving the way for a more inclusive and responsive society.

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