Delhi Crime -2 And Its Saviour Complex 

By Abhineet Nayyar

August 29 2022

Delhi Crime’s season two, which is currently streaming on Netflix, aims to provide an honest picture of the capital’s police force. 


The show falls flat on its ability to drive home the one lesson it seems most aware of, that criminals are not born, but made.

While some form of public management and administration has been a part of the sub-continent’s history for centuries, today’s police, is a product of the colonial rule.

Policing in India

The Saviour Complex

While the show’s intentions at telling a buried story displays some form of goodwill, I feel it fails to overcome its savior complex.

No matter the police's use of brute force, their good intentions and their acceptance by the “community” rids them of all their sins.

The Self-Praising

Poor Conclusion

My second criticism of the show is aimed at its poor conclusion. I argue that besides putting Delhi’s cops on a pedestal, it achieves nothing.

In the end, what remains is Vartika alone, her superiority as an ace and vaguely empathetic cop, and her future, which consists of a transfer to a remote location which might be the only reality that the show reveals.