By Jyothi Swaroop Makena

24th July, 2023

GMAT Exam Last Minute Tips

The GMAT, also known as Graduate Management Admission Test, is a computer-adaptive test that assesses the candidates’ analytical writing, quantitative, verbal, and reading skills in standard written English.


“Here are some last-minute tips that you must keep in mind before your GMAT exam!

Whatever you haven’t learned at this point, you’re not going to master in the next 12 hours or so. Even if you don’t feel ready, you are done. It’s time to move on to preparing yourself for the test experience in highly practical ways.

Don't Cram On The Last Day

Sleep Well!

Even if you need to get up earlier than usual to eat a light breakfast, review a few test questions, and arrive at the test center about 15 minutes early, you should still go to bed when you normally do. This is quite important.

Know Your Route

– If driving, plan your route and when you need to leave, taking possible traffic, construction, and weather into account. Make sure there is plenty of gas in the car. – If taking public transportation, know your route and when and where to catch your bus or train. Make sure you have your fare.

Pack Smarter!

Gather together everything you’ll need tomorrow. On Test Day, you want to be focused on the test, so make sure you take with yourself a water bottle, and the important documents that are needed!

It is the most widely accepted exam for MBA admissions worldwide. No other exam has as wide acceptability as GMAT, as per the GMAC, globally 9 out of 10 MBA enrollments are made through GMAT Score. Further, 2,400+ schools accept GMAT Scores for giving admission.