How To Get An Internship In College In India?

By Ishika S.

16th August, 2023

An intern's goal is to gain work experience, occasionally some university credit, and always an overall feel for the industry they're interning in.


“Here’s how you can get an internship in college in India”

Firstly, start looking for internships very early in college so that you have ample time to choose the one that aligns with your goals, send applications and give it good 6 months time. It takes a while to land an internship that will be beneficial to you.

Start Looking For Internships Very Early

Look For Openings On The Internet

Make profiles on LinkedIn, Internshala etc and start searching for internships on google, it is very effective. Use your social media connections for recommendations too. Internet can be very helpful and might help you land the internship of your dreams.

This is one of the most effective ways to get an internship in college. Talk to your college seniors about how they landed their respective internship. By this you’d know about the organisation and the work on a much deeper level and it will help you in deciding the kind of internship you want to pursue.

Talk To Your College Seniors

Build An Effective Resume 

Building an effective resume is crucial for finding good internships. Make sure your resume defines you and your goals the best and be transparent with your recruiters.

You must do as many quality internships as possible in your college years to gain experience, build contacts, decide your career and also earn extra credits on your CV.