By Ishika
7 March, 2024
CBSE Class 10th examinations are a crucial milestone in a student’s academic journey in India. While the exam covers a wide range of subjects and topics, certain questions tend to be repeated frequently across different years. Identifying and understanding these recurring questions can help students prepare more effectively and improve their chances of scoring well.
These questions typically require students to provide detailed explanations or analyses of concepts, theories, or events. They often appear in subjects like Social Science, where students are asked to discuss the causes and consequences of historical events, or in English, where they may be required to write essays or elaborate on themes from literature.
These questions demand concise yet comprehensive answers and can cover a wide range of topics across subjects like Mathematics, Science, and Languages. Students may be asked to solve numerical problems, define terms, or explain concepts briefly.
MCQs are a common format in CBSE exams, testing students’ knowledge and understanding of specific facts, definitions, or concepts. While they may seem straightforward, they often require careful attention to detail and elimination of distractors to arrive at the correct answer.
These questions present students with an assertion followed by a reason, and they must determine whether the reason is the correct explanation for the assertion. This format is commonly found in subjects like Science and Mathematics, where students are expected to apply logical reasoning skills to analyze the relationship between statements.
In subjects like Science and Geography, students are often asked to label diagrams, draw diagrams to illustrate concepts, or explain the significance of specific diagrams. These questions test students’ ability to visualize and comprehend spatial relationships and graphical representations.
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