I Moved To Chennai To Study. What's That Been Like?

August 17, 2022

From deserts to waters, I moved to Chennai from Jaipur. On the one hand, my life is still not able to grasp the completely different model of culture, language and food and on the other hand, I feel happy to be experiencing all of this with an embracing heart.


I’m here for an internship and to study. But either way, I had the choice of choosing a city. I chose Chennai, it was not forced on me. My choice. These two words change the whole narrative of a story.

I face numerous questions about why I chose to shift to south India. But there is no single answer to this question. Personally, I like south Indian culture and I wanted to experience it.

Why Chennai?

The Tamil Language

I feel a little left out as I do not understand Tamil. It is a very old language. The way Tamil culture has been preserved is amazing. But I do not understand anything my auto anna or pg aunty say.

Food habits are different too, I am a vegetarian but I see most of the people around me love chicken biryani. I am still figuring out some chapati diet for me as I never ate so much of rice in north India.

On Food Habits 

Weather Differences

The weather is nice here. Monsoons have not fully arrived yet. My friends from Jaipur were sending me pictures enjoying heavy rain some months ago, but this city gets them in Nov-Dec.

I am loving each day full of new and diverse experiences. There are also some people who behave differently with me, but I hope I be able to change their perspective and attitude. Wish me luck for coming days and Till then… Vanakam!