What Do Interns Do On Their First Day?

By Ishika S.

9 November, 2023

On their first day, interns typically engage in various activities to get acclimated to their new workplace and understand their roles.


Here's what interns might do on their first day:

Interns often begin with an orientation session, where they receive an overview of the company, its culture, values, and policies. They might also meet with HR to complete paperwork and learn about company benefits.


Training and Onboarding:

Depending on the internship, there may be specific training sessions or onboarding programs. This could involve learning about company software, processes, or industry-specific knowledge.

The company or team may discuss the objectives and expectations for the internship, outlining what success looks like and how it will be measured.

Set Objectives:

Evaluations and Feedback:

Interns may also learn about the evaluation process and how feedback will be provided throughout their internship.

The specific activities can vary depending on the company and the nature of the internship. It's important for interns to approach their first day with an open mind.