By Ishika S.
28 November, 2023
The 1-2-4-7 revision technique is a spaced repetition strategy for effective learning and retention.
Begin by studying the material thoroughly in the first session. Familiarize yourself with the concepts, details, or information you need to learn.
Review the material after 24 hours (1 day). This short-term review reinforces your initial learning and helps move the information from short-term to long-term memory.
Conduct another review after 48 hours (2 days). This slightly longer interval reinforces the material further, enhancing your ability to recall it.
Schedule a third review after 7 days. This longer interval strengthens your long-term memory and solidifies your understanding of the material.
Adjust the intervals based on your individual learning needs. If you find certain information more challenging, consider more frequent reviews. The 1-2-4-7 pattern provides a structured approach but can be adapted for different subjects and personal preferences.