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VIP Culture In Our Democracy

Ambassador Car

It is natural to have essential personalities in the family, community, country and anywhere in the world. Such personalities emerge in the fields of art, culture, sports, science and literature according to their ability and talent. Such people have always been part of society. Their talents and abilities will be recognised by others and be sometimes adored and respected. Thus, society takes care of them. They do not need the protection of the “black cat” or the police force.

There are two ways in which a person acquires a prominent personality in the realm of power and politics. A group is respected and honoured by people for their ability, work ethic and character. Thus, people protect the owners of influential personalities. Listening and learning from them. But another group will use power to make themselves important individuals. People do not respect them and accept them out of fear. They need the protection and security of the police force and the black cat.

How can such an influential VIP culture be compared in a society during the old monarchy and the present democratic era? During the reign of the king, the king, his servants and the landlords were the ruling classes. People couldn’t live without them. But the rise of the king was mainly concentrated in the capital cities. The ups and downs in other places were less. The travels of the official nobles were mainly to the landlords. But not among the people. So, the local landlords were more to be feared.

It is by ending these evil tendencies that we have gained independence and become a democratic nation. But what happened in our democracy is the exact opposite. In a democracy the people are the authorities. They are to be accepted and respected by the authorities. But in our democracy evil tendencies have not diminished but increased.

Our freedom fighters and early political leaders were selfless, influential, ideological and possessed of a pure personality. They were a role model and inspiration even to those in opposition. Wherever they went, people would arrive to receive, see and hear them and to hear and receive the messages they gave to the community. Despite the lack of transportation facilities at that time, they addressed thousands of people. Security was not an issue for them. The people took care of them.

But what is the situation today? No one is there to see or hear leaders or listen to their calls. Organising the public during the visit of great leaders is a difficult task for followers. It is a situation where people have to be paid daily wages, intoxicants, food and transport facilities. Those who come in this way do not bother to see the leaders, listen to them or carry messages. All they need is alcohol, food and wages. This is just a crowd-pleaser to convince the leaders that the organisers have gathered people.

Most of these events take place at busy intersections. Their freedom of movement is denied, but that does not become the recognition of the people. This is proof that people are impatient with politicians. This is the reality of things, but the pride of the ruling class has not diminished. Politicians, caste-religious leaders and bureaucrats are running across the country with artistic events such as inaugurations, rallies, protests, posthumous ceremonies, public outreach and walks.

Who is responsible for the death of a civilian in one of these wrecked vehicles? The condition in which we must save ourselves. If anyone is seen interfering with their convoy they will be handled by followers and armed police. They have no traffic laws or humanity.

Representational Image.
Credits: Wikimedia Commons

Understandably, the President or the Prime Minister is provided such security. But when child leaders and senior leaders in government and opposition use the police for such services people become helpless. The use of the police force in our democratic system to protect politicians and religious leaders, to follow them or to enforce the law will remain in doubt today and forever.

The ruling class does not seem to be interested in development or social justice when it lives in such luxury. But they need money for their political activities and luxuries. Tax money is being set aside for this. Also, they raise money from people through pressure collection and bribery.

It’s not as simple as that. Thus, people in India have degenerated and lost the ability to react as communities. We are destined to live according to the current and are in a position where no one can be blamed.

Featured Image via Wikimedia Commons
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