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A Letter To The World From A Study Desk In New Delhi

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*Trigger Warning: Covid Deaths*

From India, the land of cultures, traditions, morals and hope

Distressing images and videos are being published in all the international dailies and online media outlets. What we are experiencing on the ground is something we cannot explain through the use of all the modern technologies available.

This pain we are dealing with can only be shared by humans when they see, watch, touch, sense and visualise any catastrophic disasters together. We feel obliged with the overflowing gratitude for all the citizens of the world who have seen us in this calamity and have not forgotten to remember us in their prayers.

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In India, being a follower of Hinduism, we preach more than 330 million deities, Muhammadans believe in one God, the holy and almighty Allah, Sikhs believe in one God, the holy and almighty Waheguru, Christians believe in one God, the holy and almighty Christ, Parsis believe in one God, the holy and almighty Ahura Mazda and on it goes.

Even after many setbacks to our secular principles at the top of our leadership in recent years, most Indians on the ground have unfailingly upheld the secular principles enshrined in our constitution in the spirit and letter.

Our situation is critical. It’s true that the crisis we are in has been trying our capabilities in the most brutal manner. We Indians have many enormous tasks ahead of us to get back where we once were. It may seem today that recklessness of a couple of months may now cost us many years and inexplicable grief-filled agony.

We read about the Wars of the last century that left many people mentally handicapped because of the traumas they suffered and this feels no different. The effects of the virus may wear off in months to come, but the images and videos of burning pyres and dug out graves that made a place in our souls will be harder to wash out if at all there ever comes a day when it becomes washable.

Representative Image.

India and Indians exasperatedly toil on social media and physically on the ground for seeking some kind of relief for their loved ones and even their foes. At the altars of humanity, at the crossroads of civility, friendship and enmity have joined hands to work towards ending this catastrophe.

We distinctly remember that last year, the whole world was worried about the pandemic taking India in its grip. The world had been preparing several plans to tackle the expected spread in India, but later on, when India started to emerge from the pandemic scarred but not fatally wounded, the whole world rejoiced in the celebration.

The year 2020 made us realise that we all may be divided by geographical barriers, economic boundaries, social and political mindsets, but what united us all was the pain all of India felt when it heard of more than 5,00,000 Americans, 3,00,000 Brazilians, 1.00,000 French Citizens, 1,00,000 Russians, 1,00,000 Brits, 1,00,000 Italians, etc. all over the world had lost their lives and left us early to rest by the side of their ancestors.

In the same manner, to see the whole world now watching India in awe and sharing our grief by mourning our losses have once again proved that even if we may not have yet unlocked the door to the fourth dimension, but the key to unlocking it must remain hidden in the plethora of emotion that we not only feel but are able to communicate without having to communicate at all.

As Rabindranath Tagore, a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and Composer of Indian National Anthem, once wrote, “Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.”

Today all Indians, despite the unimaginable and inexplicable terror of this unending pandemic that is spreading and consuming lives faster than wildfires, find a sense of brittle faith and a reason to seek hope when the news reached us that the entire world had stepped in to help in the efforts to combat this vicious second wave of Covid-19 in India. 

This land of close to 1.4 billion people have not only found some sort of relief, but they have found a dream to clutch onto, that we Indians shall overcome these perilous times.

In depression, a person who is alone is more prone to succumb to negative activities harming themselves and those who find around. The world has shown by stepping up that it has not left India alone, just as India has never left any country in the world to feel secluded no matter the hostilities that remained in the past.

In the times of our Former Prime Minister Late Smt Indira Gandhi, she held this position firmly. Her vision for India was singular, the nation propelled by peace, spreading peace and encouraging others to spread peace. She was famous for her one message to the entire world that the India she visioned did not have a few countries as its best friends but who had all the countries as its good friends.

She did not take pleasure to pick one side or another. Instead, the India she dreamt about was supposed to help the world become one big family without any sides.

History is done for good and with the future yet to come, the present must be focussed on without having any delusions. India and Indians shall never forget the prayers and resources that are being made available for us all over the world. For that and much more, we are extremely grateful to the world and every person individually.

For the peace in the world, to help humanity become a greater force and share each other’s grief, we shall all thank our respective Gods. For the loved ones that have departed, we shall pray together alike and to spread happiness around the globe we all shall together strive.

With love and overflowing gratitude,

An Indian at a study desk in New Delhi

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