How To Make A Resume For College Students?

By Jyothi Swaroop Makena

27rd August, 2023

A college student resume focuses on relevant coursework, extracurricular activities, internships and skill set. Knowing how to write a properly formatted resume can impress the hiring managers and increase your chances of getting interview calls.


Here is everything you need to know about making a resume

In the first section, provide all your personal details like full name, phone number, email address and residential address. These personal details help an employer contact you for an interview.

Write Your Contact Information

Write A Career Objective

A resume summary or career object is a brief statement of two to three lines that summarises your career objectives and professional goals. Your career objective tells a potential employer the reason for seeking employment.

highlight your educational qualifications starting from your diploma or degree if you recently graduated. Next, give details about your higher secondary certification (HSC) and senior secondary certification (SSC).

Highlight Your Academic Qualification

Mention Your Skills

This section entails writing all technical and soft skills relevant to the job role. Technical skills are job-specific skills like proficiency in computer programming languages for a software development role or knowledge of the content management system (CMS) for a writer's role.

When applying for part-time or full-time work, work-study opportunities, advanced degree programs, or internships, you can use your college resume. As you start your career, most employers use your resume to gauge your skills like work ethics, motivation level, ambition and passion for a job.