Why I Chose To Study For My Masters In The UK

By Srijani Chaudhuri

Feb 3, 2022

While growing up, I always aspired to do my higher studies abroad and after finishing my undergraduate degree from DU, when I was looking at my Masters option, UK was the ultimate choice.


The reason I chose UK from the very beginning was firstly because I was always attracted to the culture and places there. When I visited UK in 2009, somewhere, I looked forward to study there someday.

I feel students today look at UK and Europe especially to pursue their higher education because of the culture and heritage that these country hold in itself. 

The diversity in UK colleges is huge. People come from different parts of the world, whether China, India or United States. The European population of UK universities is also quite high.

Deciding to study in the UK was a big risk for my career as the post-study visa system is irrelevant but I was willing to take that risk.

Why? Because I wanted to experience British education while I could. This is a calculative risk that I had to take to fulfill my dream of doing my Masters from the UK.